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What are Passport Bros?

What are Passport Bros?

With the rise of social media and dating apps, we're more connected than ever, giving us endless opportunities to meet new people—no matter where they are in the world. There has been a growing trend and narrative around “Passport Bros”. So much so, that I wanted to dig deeper and get our community’s thoughts on it.

What are Passport Bros?

As I was researching this topic, I came across The Official Passport Bros Site. They refer to this lifestyle as a movement and mindset:

“The Passport Bro mindset emerges from a range of concerns about modern Western dating and marriage culture. Among these concerns, one of the primary grievances is the perception that many Western women exhibit behaviors that are argumentative, confrontational, highly manipulative, and exhibit traits often associated with masculinity.
- The Official Passport Bros Site

Where Do Passport Bros Go?

Colombia, Brazil, Philippines, and Mexico are among the most popular destinations for passport bros. Passport bros hold the belief that foreign women from places like Southeast Asia or Latin America, tend to have more traditional values, are more feminine, or are more focused on family compared to western women back home.

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Why are men traveling outside of the U.S. to find love?

Some men strongly supported the idea, stating that "Western women are delusional," and "Western women are no longer feminine," among other opinions. I can understand the opposing perspectives, but to generalize and create a negative (and false) depiction of ALL western women is where I draw the line.

Rarely do I share my personal opinion on topics, especially the more controversial ones, but when I see sheer hypocrisy, I can’t help but giggle and spotlight it. Are these Passport Bros not the same men complaining about hypergamy in our Western society? (Hypergamy: the action of marrying or forming a sexual relationship with a person of a superior sociological or educational background). American men in foreign countries are valued more because of their perceived wealth and status, essentially benefiting from the same dynamic of “hypergamy” they criticize in western women. It seems ironic, doesn’t it? They seek relationships where they hold the upper hand economically, reinforcing the very power imbalances they claim to despise.

Western society emphasizes education as essential for financial stability, often stigmatizing those without degrees. This educational and financial independence means women now tolerate less bad behavior from men, such as neglect and infidelity. With the ability to support themselves, women no longer feel trapped in unhealthy relationships. Women from other countries may be perceived as more submissive or traditional, but that often stems from having fewer liberties, less income, and fewer options. This creates a power imbalance, making it easier to accept dynamics Western women no longer necessarily need to tolerate.

Anyway, enough about my opinions… When I asked our community for their thoughts on this topic, one man wrote in saying: “It seems like the only way to find a feminine woman these days.”

122 men and women share their thoughts on the statement above:

  1. Agree completely! I’m a passport bro! That being said, I’m very much a global citizen.

  2. Not my thing. Pass.

  3. This feels icky… the subtext to me reads “I’m looking for a submissive woman”.

  4. These men want women they can control, point blank.

  5. Only a healthy masculine man will see a woman’s soft feminine side. I said what I said. 

  6. Not true.

  7. To each their own. Give me all these Western women.

  8. Kind of tradewife BS, no? Looking for sbd to cook and do your laundry (mama or wife?)

  9. America has turned society on its face.

  10. Nonsense. Insecure men who feel emasculated by strong women.

  11. It is hard to find a woman who truly appreciates a man without the financial benefits. 

  12. Tend to agree! We’re raising women to be men… we want a woman to be a woman!

  13. Real men want conservative, family-oriented, God fearing, genuine women. 

  14. Seems like these men are insecure with their masculinity and seek subservient women…

  15. This is incel energy - God forbid women want men with EQ that have done the work in the US.

  16. Not true but I understand the concept. 

  17. It’s a solution to the problem.

  18. Sadly, dudes who want power over women but can only get it via a poor country. 

  19. Sounds like American men trying to uphold patriarchy. 

  20. Males that follow this trend will likely find this to be one of those “be careful what you wish for” deals.

  21. I do believe Western women have been brainwashed by Bravo TV… real housewives of ____!!!🤦

  22. They need to be careful it's not like a Temu purchase and end up with a ladyboy🤭

  23. I mean that and they eat less processed foods 😉🤣

  24. Met many foreign women abroad. More approachable, interesting, and loyal for sure. But importing is expensive…

  25. Truth. We’ve been taught we can do all men can do and have lost allowing them to be that.

  26. It’s idiotic and demeaning, but that said, there are a lot of women dating right now who really do need to grow up. 

  27. It’s just “mail order brides” from the 80s, in reverse. Unattractive desperate men.

  28. Red pill.

  29. I KNOW I’m gonna have to avoid boys with this mentality when I move abroad…

  30. Revolting misogyny. Women who self-actualize are “unfeminine”? Fuck that.

  31. I’m dumber now that I know this even exists. Barf and a half!!!

  32. N. American culture doesn’t have close knit families that work together/ does nice things to help. 

  33. The most caring and supportive women I’ve dated have been Venezuelan and Russian-Israeli.

  34. Not the only way but it heavily increases the chances.

  35. Some truth, always depends though. 

  36. Hm very interesting. I think this can hold to be true, but not all the passport bros.

  37. Seems f**king ridiculous.

  38. Not surprised.

  39. Well, from my trips to Europe, I can honestly say that this is true, to an extent.

  40. I feel sorry for the women they trap when the actual intention is seeking submission.

  41. I’ve got mates that say and do the same thing. They’ve given up on western women.

  42. Seems extreme. Sounds like Western men are too easily influenced by western media. 

  43. Adopt more masculine energy :(. It’s sad. 

  44. Feminine women are disappearing because men are abusing them. 

  45. So they want a lady they can control?

  46. I would tend to agree. Women in Australia are being very manipulated by the feminist etc…

  47. Creepy.

  48. Don’t buy it. I think men believe they’ll have a better chance of controlling the relationship.

  49. Just sexist men that want to control women and want women to obey them.

  50. As a man, I couldn’t disagree more. Stop looking in the wrong place.

  51. I think they want what society says is out there but in actuality most of the women in these countries are more forward thinking and non “traditional” than they think they will be.

  52. They’re not wrong about western women but it’s also for people who have given up.

  53. I completely agree! Seems like 1-10 women in the US are actually feminine these days.

  54. What is this?? I think there is toxicity in American culture for sure but not sure if it's systemic. 

  55. Western women are delusional. They want a man who is 6’ 3”, making $150k/ year while bringing nothing. 

  56. It’s not WRONG…

  57. It has never been more difficult to find a good woman with realistic expectations.

  58. Lots of Western women act like they’re better than men. Not all, but most. 

  59. 100% agree. Social media has ruined the minds of most American women and men. 

  60. Guys are fed up with BS from women, especially in big cities they bring too much drama. 

  61. To each their own. 

  62. Men with absent daddy syndrome looking for subservient women. Surprise surprise. 

  63. This is absolutely true of liberal women. I’m from England and they’re even from liberal there. 

  64. Feminine homemakers exist in the USA. The male just needs to be an actual provider. Rare.

  65. Absolute bollocks. 

  66. Definitely exists. I have friends as young as early 20s who hold this opinion. 

  67. Foreign women are too transactional. They only make you feel wanted after they get money spent on them.

  68. Absolutely disgusting. Shows a man unwilling to level up his game.

  69. Mostly Russians, Ukraine. Beautiful and sexy but they want out as Russian men are alcoholics. 

  70. Traveling abroad just to find a “decent woman”, there’s definitely issues with that man.

  71. All else aside, there is a very small population of women who truly seem marriage worthy in the US.

  72. Seems like a valid and interesting approach.

  73. I have to agree. As a man’s man.

  74. It’s very tempting to go down this route for an eligible man like me.

  75. Probably men that can’t score a normal American woman with equal and modern ideals.

  76. Too many Disney movies brought up American women to believe they are all princesses. 

  77. Sounds pretty psychopathic to be honest.

  78. I mean I never thought about it but from what my single friends tell me, it makes sense.

  79. The irony is that a lot of women will be insulting and masculine as they disagree (proving the point).

  80. The amount of money the US has given to foreign countries is the percentage of which I agree.

  81. I’ve been traveling as a single guy for a full year and this is a false narrative.

  82. Makes sense for some but not most. Not for me personally, shared culture is critical IMO.

  83. I know a lot of pilots who do this. And they are in extremely happy marriages.

  84. I believe this to be accurate. American women prioritize a 30K job over motherhood and family. 

  85. Not far off! I’ve been dating foreign women for 12 years now.

  86. I agree.

  87. Impossible.

  88. I agree. Also a good way to find a woman who isn’t jaded. 

  89. 1,000% agree. Didn’t know there was a name for it, and this seems like a negative narrative to me. 

  90. Here in the States, it’s like marrying a prostitute. You need to have a lot of money to have a wife. No money, no honey.

  91. It’s true!

  92. 100% in agreement.

  93. Same mindset as men dating less than half their age = control.

  94. I have a few high-networth/ high income friends who are doing this.

  95. I would say this is mostly true. A lot of women I’ve talked to are “boss babes” or act masculine. 

  96. Somewhat accurate. 

  97. True.

  98. That’s quite the spin.

  99. From someone who has been traveling for more than 34 years, I’d say it’s true to a point. 

  100. Modern women see through their cosplay masculinity.

  101. Seems like they want someone they can use for immigration status.

  102. 100% true. I’ve got a Russian girlfriend in the Netherlands. Feminine and can cook. I take care of her too.

  103. Unfortunately I think it’s true!

  104. For the foreign women, it’s a financial transaction. 

  105. It’s called fear of women’s independence!

  106. Sounds like these men don’t like to put effort into relationships.

  107. Certainly seems like there is some truth to this. 

  108. I am from the Netherlands and Dutch women lack femininity. Happy with my Polish girlfriend.

  109. Facts. American women are toxic AF. 

  110. As a guy, this is such an incel take by this dude. 

  111. Well, not all women are bad. But i can see the appeal of trying to find a woman abroad.

  112. Liberal women have made men more feminine. 

  113. Where can us feminine women find a masculine man in the western world?!

  114. Ew. They’re looking for less educated women who will feel culturally forced to stay in marriage. 

  115. It goes further. Foreign women from big cities have been corrupted as well.

  116. I’m from Canada and I think there are plenty of fantastic feminine American women!

  117. Plenty of smart, good-looking women in the US so I would not be looking outside for one.

  118. It’s a long run around to find someone like that. But also shows you can’t get an American girl. 

  119. Men preying on women who don’t speak their language or know their motives or cultures to push a goal.

  120. Men want feminine women, not girl bosses. But guys have to be more masculine to earn it too. 

  121. Passport bros = predators. 

  122. Are American men afraid of strong women?

If you have additional thoughts on this topic, please comment them below! If you found this article insightful, please share it with some friends :).


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