
Hey! I’m Stephanie.

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xX, Stephanie

350+ men share what they find attractive in women

350+ men share what they find attractive in women

Ask and you shall receive… A woman from our Instagram community wanted me to ask our male audience the following question:

Aside from physical appearance, what traits do men find attractive in women?

These are the top 14 traits men are attracted to:
(In order of most commonly mentioned).

  1. Sense of Humor

  2. Kindness

  3. Intelligence

  4. Loyalty

  5. Positivity

  6. Confidence

  7. Honesty

  8. Family Orientation

  9. Openness

  10. Respectfulness

  11. Classiness

  12. Ambition

  13. Consistency

  14. Emotional Intelligence

350+ men share what they find most attractive in a woman:

I asked our male audience to share 2-3 traits they find attractive in women (aside from physical appearances). Read the exact 350+ submissions below:

  1. Does she party a lot? Does she live an active lifestyle? What are her passions?

  2. Christian, active, has friends, somewhat mentally stable.

  3. Confidence, intelligence, positivity.

  4. Sense of humor and brains.

  5. Consistency and relationship with family members.

  6. Classiness, true positive vibes only, REAL.

  7. Healthy mind, trustworthy, loyal.

  8. Emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, sex drive.

  9. Humor, being reasonable, honesty.

  10. Helping/ giving to others, collaborative, continuous in growth (in life not in pant size ;)).

  11. Loyalty and positivity.

  12. Ambition, hobbies/ interests, values.

  13. Her relationship with her family, her ability to take a joke.

  14. Heart, ambition, loyalty.

  15. Intelligence, self-reliance, open heart, active, passionate.

  16. Humor, laid back, not entitled.

  17. Personality.

  18. Empathy, opposite of selfish.

  19. Passion, compassion, kindess.

  20. Facial expressions, and the way she carries herself.

  21. Witt, makeup skills, conversation skills.

  22. How she treats animals, does she care about environment. Relationship with her family.

  23. Drive/ ambition, how they treat others. How they treat themselves.

  24. Respect, class, witty/ funny.

  25. Energy (who she surrounds herself with). Is she open minded/ not stuck in her ways?

  26. Family values, career and lifestyle plans, cultural alignment.

  27. Kindness, openness, intelligence.

  28. integrity, she likes to laugh, tries her best at whatever “it” is she’s doing.

  29. Emotional maturity, availability, loyalty, strong communication skills.

  30. Smells good, can joke around, and can communicate their feelings appropriately.

  31. Intellect, social prowess, and empathy.

  32. How are you around my friends/ social settings? Do you give or take energy?

  33. Positive attitude, honesty, authenticity.

  34. Past: loyal, traditional values. Present: Independent, life balance. Future: Visionary, adaptable.

  35. Sense of humor.

  36. Effort, actions that reflect loyalty, selfless attitude.

  37. Ambition, kind-hearted, intelligence.

  38. Intelligence and kindness.

  39. Kindness, intelligence, humor.

  40. Good hygiene, polite to workers, clean living conditions.

  41. Has a job/ hobbies, stays active/ healthy lifestyle, good relationship with family.

  42. Loyalty and honesty.

  43. Enjoys golf, good food and vacations.

  44. Being funny, and loyal. Sexual connection.

  45. Emotional intelligence, healthy self-esteem, growth mindset.

  46. Helpful and kind.

  47. Can she cook?

  48. Authenticity, realness, maturity.

  49. Playfulness, compassion for others, good communication ESPECIALLY during conflict.

  50. Eye contact, smile, handshake.

  51. Honesty, integrity, appreciative.

  52. Kind, funny, appreciative personality.

  53. Relationship with God and maturity/ healed and truly ready for a relationship.

  54. Intelligence, ability to have a convo, sense of humor, work ethic.

  55. Sweetness/ kindness.

  56. Humor, transparency, sincerity.

  57. Sense of humor, caring, trust

  58. Kind, intelligent.

  59. Someone who has a caring to others.

  60. Brains, eyes, humor.

  61. Intelligence and humor.

  62. Adventurous nature, affectionate, open minded.

  63. Resilience, fun, can admit when wrong.

  64. Sense of humor, compassionate, easy to be comfortable with.

  65. Personality.

  66. Happy/ positive attitude, intelligent, kind.

  67. Well-balanced drama free life.

  68. Kindness, humor, loyalty.

  69. Personality, sense of humor, and if she can’t comfortably interact with me I’m not interested.

  70. A pretty face, a smile, a woman at peace with herself.

  71. Intelligence, sense of humor, and kindness.

  72. Sweet, outgoing, passionate.

  73. Personality, mental stability, sense of humor.

  74. Fun (little drama), shows interest in hobbies and has their own hobbies/ passions. Good cook.

  75. Emotional availability, open communication.

  76. Honesty, respect. Rub my back before bedtime 🤣.

  77. Kindness, intelligence, humor.

  78. Hair, confidence, and makeup.

  79. If they are kind, funny, and engage in the conversation.

  80. Sense of humor. How they treat the waitresses, can they put their phone away while dating.

  81. Loyalty, respect and appreciation To be your number 1.

  82. Humor, intelligence, wine lover.

  83. Friendliness, smile.

  84. Personality, attitude towards others.

  85. Confident, emotional intelligence, loving.

  86. Not hungry for attention, safe, wife-material, won’t bring political ideology in life.

  87. Intelligence, sense of humor.

  88. Strong values, intelligence.

  89. Sense of humor, independent, plays golf, easy going.

  90. Attitude and vibes.

  91. Rationality, reason and logic.

  92. Intelligence, drive, and caring about the world around her.

  93. A kind heart!

  94. Sense of humor. Maternal attributes. Interests/ hobbies other than shopping.

  95. Personality and kindness.

  96. Intelligence. Ambition. Self-confidence.

  97. Personality, good hygiene and smart!

  98. Goldy, sincere, faithful.

  99. A woman who can laugh whenever, wherever.

  100. Humor, wit, genuineness.

  101. Eyes, hair, personality.

  102. Fun, smart, nice.

  103. Loyalty, trust, good values.

  104. Honesty, a good and sincere heart.

  105. Personality, self-confidence, compassion.

  106. Happy, smart, athletic.

  107. Humor and kindness.

  108. Sense of humor and ambition.

  109. Generosity, kindness, hobbies.

  110. Intelligence and femininity.

  111. Sense of humor. Returns shopping carts and is respectful to waiting staff.

  112. Personality and mannerism.

  113. Not carrying too much baggage.

  114. Confidence and a good time.

  115. Sense of humor, compassion, honesty.

  116. Ambitious, family oriented.

  117. How nice they are when they want to be anything but nice. Loyalty, steadfastness, passion.

  118. Honesty, integrity, ability to know what someone would of in their absence.

  119. Commitment, benevolence, and nurturing.

  120. Fun personality, kind, quick-witted.

  121. Kindness.

  122. How often she listens to me when we talk; is she egotistic, her spending habits.

  123. Caring, selfless, loving, supportive, and let’s get it on!

  124. Passion, flexibility, and loving.

  125. Independent, dog lover, sense of humor.

  126. Motherly, easy-going, sense of humor.

  127. Femininity, loyalty, kindness, communication, accountability.

  128. Intelligence, sense of humor, good friends/ family.

  129. Intelligence.

  130. Honesty and personality.

  131. Happy with who they are, but still looking to improve.

  132. Personality. Someone with a good heart. Someone who can genuinely be themselves.

  133. Intelligence, not entitled, classy.

  134. Impulse control, healthy, fun.

  135. Good sense of humor, intelligence, sweet-natured.

  136. Genuinely kind to others, loves her family, and has faith.

  137. Humor, kindness, some degree of independence.

  138. Kindness, positivity, and being her own person (has unique hobbies/ interests).

  139. Humor, passionate.

  140. Low stress, appreciation, supportive.

  141. Smart, funny, genuine.

  142. Personality, hygiene, confidence.

  143. Has their own goals/ drive/ passions. Intellectual curiosity. Common interests.

  144. Loyal, reasonable, fun/ spontaneous.

  145. Depth of knowledge, logic, ability to speak without yelling.

  146. Passion and drive for something they love and a great sense of humor.

  147. Ambition, wit, humor.

  148. Pleasant to be around, how you treat others, and what boundaries you have with men.

  149. Personality, smart.

  150. Wit, humor, intelligence, and nice teeth.

  151. Confident, sweet, modest.

  152. Humor, can hold a conversation, good banter.

  153. Humor, active, hobbies.

  154. Agreeableness.

  155. Apocalyptic survival skills, weight training.

  156. Sense of humor, adventurous, open minded.

  157. How a persona responds to my jokes.

  158. Personality, common values, level of crazy.

  159. High energy, intelligence, positivity- don’t tell me how bad your life is.

  160. Can admit when they are wrong. Humility.

  161. Educated, independent, strong sense of humor.

  162. Happy-go-lucky!

  163. Kindness, genuinely happy, sense of humor.

  164. Ability (ex: can change💡), maintenance levels, ability to compromise/ make things work.

  165. Sense of humor, intelligence.

  166. Sense of humor.

  167. Drive and ambition.

  168. Mindset. Short/ long-term goals. Consideration of time/ efforts.

  169. Personality, goals, and how can you add to my life.

  170. Humor, not just laughs at my jokes. I need to know we can get goofy together. Generosity.

  171. Honesty, kindness, and loyalty.

  172. Smile, funny, not superficial.

  173. Adaptability, sharp wit, adventurous.

  174. Personality, sense of humor, honesty.

  175. Personality, smile, good listener.

  176. Smart, humility, kindness.

  177. Their shit together! Finances, stability, cleanliness.

  178. Financial responsibility. How they treat service staff. Food she eats? Is it healthy?

  179. Happiness. Genuine. Self-love.

  180. Similar political ideology, caring/ nurturing.

  181. Sense of humor.

  182. Inspiring as a person uses outside to draw to inside and inside is 100x better.

  183. Good character/ morals, some sort of personal investment in themselves, femininity.

  184. Kindness, ambition, curiosity.

  185. Fun to be around, smart/ can hold good conversations.

  186. Sincerity, caring, thoughtfulness.

  187. Love language compatibility. Does she show love like I want to receive it and vice versa.

  188. Hobbies, demeanor towards others, drive for goals, feminine acting/ dressing.

  189. Teeth and toes!

  190. Honesty, loyalty, gratitude.

  191. Sophistication, straight teeth, sense of humor.

  192. Does she like the mems I send her.

  193. Kindness.

  194. Ambition.

  195. A sense of humor with sarcasm, quick wit, ability to have a meaningful conversation.

  196. Class, integrity, kindness.

  197. Intelligence, communication, authenticity.

  198. Not being a combative bitch. We’re pretty damn simple.

  199. Humble, hardworking, horny (jk), Happy.

  200. Personality, attitude, and sexual intimacy.

  201. Happy, laughs easily.

  202. Kindness, empathy, affection, understanding.

  203. Kindness, humor, vibe.

  204. Integrity, has family values, looks.

  205. Sense of humor and a good heart.

  206. Intelligence, considerate, independent.

  207. “Light”/ positive in her eyes. Inquisitiveness and not a hoe.

  208. Direct, honest, down to earth.

  209. Humor, intellect.

  210. Treats others well. Has goals/ dreams. Works out.

  211. Loyalty, kindness, 100% honesty (which I don’t penalize; “not saying” is being dishonest).

  212. Soft spoken, nurturing, submissive.

  213. Relaxed, fun and a bit freaky.

  214. Femininity, comforting demeanor. Agreeableness.

  215. Growth mindset. Physically and mentally healthy/ generous.

  216. Humor.

  217. Kindness and openness.

  218. Confidence, intelligence, humor.

  219. Loyal, humble, and has a softness to her.

  220. Caring or perhaps a lack of self-focus (narcissism), humor, authenticity, enthusiasm for life.

  221. Personality, compatibility, confidence in herself.

  222. Kindness, politeness, willingness to learn/ adapt/ improve together.

  223. Humor, intelligence, cleanliness.

  224. Intelligence, humor, emotionally mature, available.

  225. Discipline, joy/ happiness, financial responsibility.

  226. Stability and clean history.

  227. Ambitious, caring, extroverted.

  228. Nice smile, nice rack, and how she treats others.

  229. Loyalty, kindness, willingness to listen to the man.

  230. How she treats her mom/ dad/ siblings. Is she considerate of others? Integrity in life.

  231. Personality, sense of humor, ethics.

  232. Loyalty, fidelity, easygoing.

  233. I like determined, and positive attitudes.

  234. Aligned direction/ vision and good family for sure!

  235. Sense of humor, clean finger/ toe nails, positive attitude.

  236. Eye contact, honesty, effort.

  237. Mental and financial stability.

  238. Openness: willing to talk about anything. Doesn’t take herself too seriously.

  239. Classy, outgoing, supportive.

  240. Style/ self-awareness/ mental health/ empathy/ respect.

  241. Kindness, positivity, intelligence.

  242. Personally driven, smile, affectionate.

  243. Humor.

  244. How they chew their food and if they’re appreciative.

  245. Compassion, sense of humor, respect.

  246. Take care of your man, sense of humor.

  247. Signs of a good mom and personality.

  248. Loyalty, communication, being themselves.

  249. Emotional stability, mutual respect, effort.

  250. Confidence, intelligence, loyalty.

  251. Kindness, healthy communication, & a drive for self-improvement.

  252. Confident, logical, reserved.

  253. Style, and then sense of humor.

  254. Good family, loyalty, quality of friends.

  255. Good sense of humor, good ethics, morals, character, willing to give 100%.

  256. Trust, respect, good conversation.

  257. Character, common sense, how feminine she carries herself.

  258. Intelligence, independence, kindness.

  259. Honesty, empathy, compassion, positivity.

  260. Intelligence, sense of humor, personality.

  261. Positivity and the ability to laugh at themselves.

  262. Active, political stance, wanting kids.

  263. Confidence, maturity, inner happiness.

  264. Wit, intelligence, self-awareness.

  265. Confidence.

  266. Intelligence, emotional intelligence, humility, empathy, passion.

  267. Confidence, sweetness and appreciation.

  268. Chemistry, compatibility, reliability, and common sense.

  269. Smart is very attractive and good values.

  270. Humor, ambition, cooking.

  271. Reciprocation, confidence, empathy.

  272. Humor, intelligence, and fun.

  273. Sense of humor, intelligence, diplomas.

  274. interests, hobbies, sense of humor.

  275. Humor. Confidence.

  276. Athletic and conversational skills.

  277. Intelligence, class, emotional maturity.

  278. Compassion, empathy, willingness to listen.

  279. A sense of humor and kindness.

  280. Attitude towards herself, can she be in her feminine energy. How she talks about other women.

  281. Feminine. Quiet not loud.

  282. Sense of humor.

  283. Curiosity, kindness.

  284. Sense of humor, compassionate.

  285. Personality, sense of humor.

  286. Kindness, sense of humor.

  287. Sense of humor, loyalty, integrity.

  288. Sense of humor, kindness, intelligence.

  289. Kindness, supportive, fun to be around.

  290. Her sense of humor especially if she can laugh at herself.

  291. Sense of humor.

  292. Kindness, intelligence, and humility.

  293. Humor, morals, ambition.

  294. Kindness, humor, educated.

  295. Intelligence, and shared goals (personally and professionally).

  296. Sense of humor, femininity, communication.

  297. integrity, intelligence sense of humor.

  298. Is she going to be my peace, or headache? A person with a balanced nervous system as well.

  299. Confidence, authenticity.

  300. Kindness, consistency, and good communication — (shockingly hard to find all 3).

  301. Doesn’t sweat the small stuff & can communicate her feelings… I am not a mind reader.

  302. Humor, not a Trump supporter, how they treat others.

  303. Intellect, personality, the way they carry themselves.

  304. Curiosity, open-mindedness, positivity.

  305. Loyalty, communication, fun.

  306. Personality, confidence, and in shape.

  307. Personality, passion, trust.

  308. Offer something- ex: passion or perspective that I don’t have.

  309. Nice, considerate/ values/ background and future goals.

  310. Personality, hygiene, sense of humor.

  311. Brains and drive.

  312. Feminine, girly, respects and loves men- good relationship with father.

  313. Kindness, hobbies, sense of humor, personal responsibility.

  314. Being sweet and feminine.

  315. Having something that they are passionate about… Hobby, work, family.

  316. Same religion.

  317. Calm, friendly attitude. Speaks well of others.

  318. Humorous, kind, independent.

  319. Smile, charm, athletic body.

  320. Humor, not easily offended, team player in the relationship.

  321. Sense of humor, healthy lifestyle. Group of close friends.

  322. Humor, passion, drive.

  323. Class trumps all. Nothing is more attractive for a variety of reasons, than a classy woman.

  324. If she can golf. Hands down and maybe make some sammies too.

  325. How you treat me and your sense of humor > looks.

  326. Humor.

  327. Sense of humor. Laid back.

  328. Humor, being able to adapt to change.

  329. The consistency in your character, morals, and how well you work with friends, family, building. Then looks.

  330. Humor, loyalty, sensuality.

  331. Selflessness, sense of humor. Not materialistic.

  332. Charisma and intelligence.

  333. If they can take a joke and are open minded.

  334. Confidence, sense of humor, intelligence.

  335. Fun, common interests.

  336. Confidence.

  337. Intelligence, sense of humor and a love for pets.

  338. A homie, someone who is just cool and comfortable.

  339. Smile, eyes, personally.

  340. Laugh, intelligence, flexibility.

  341. Energy. Can you be comfy in either a dive bar or cocktail party. Laugh at yourself.

  342. Maturity, financially responsible, loyalty.

  343. Sense of humor, intelligence, athleticism.

  344. Confidence, attitude, wit, intelligence.

  345. Intelligence, humor, sarcasm.

  346. Consistency, respect.

  347. Humor, cares about her family, can be chill with my crazy family.

  348. Loves what she does for work and has hobbies. Also golf.

  349. Sense of humor, being easy going (no drama), respects me.

  350. Intelligence, sense of humor, dependability.

  351. Personality, feminine, kind, gentle.

  352. Drive, nurturing, and outgoing.

  353. Christian, family values, peacemaker.

  354. Kindness (to family, servers, etc) honesty, femininity.

  355. Condience.

  356. Kindness, loyalty, warmth.

  357. Sense of humor, personality and being smart!

I hope you found this article insightful. If you’ve enjoyed it, comment below and share it with some friends!


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