
Hey! I’m Stephanie.

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xX, Stephanie

400+ men and women share why they cheated

400+ men and women share why they cheated

I asked our Instagram audience, “if you’ve cheated, why?” Over 400+ men and women responded. The majority of people who responded were men, so please keep that in mind as you read this article and the findings.

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Top 10 reasons why people cheat:

1. Lack of Attention/ Validation/ Affection/ Connection/ Loneliness

  • Mentions: 85+

  • Includes: Lack of attention, lack of validation, lack of affection, lack of connection, emotional unavailability, loneliness, feeling lonely, feeling neglected, no longer receiving attention.

2. Lust/ Temptation

  • Mentions: 45+

  • Includes: Lust, temptation, sexual desire, horny.

3. Emotional Immaturity

  • Mentions: 35+

  • Includes: Emotional immaturity, selfishness, being young and stupid, emotional unavailability.

4. Opportunity

  • Mentions: 30+

  • Includes: Opportunity, desire and opportunity.

5. Boredom

  • Mentions: 20+

  • Includes: Boredom, to escape from reality.

6. Lack of Sex/ Intimacy

  • Mentions: 35+

  • Includes: Lack of sex, lack of intimacy, lack of sexual activity.

7. Unhappy Relationship

  • Mentions: 25+

  • Includes: Unhappy relationship, wanting to end the relationship, toxic relationship.

8. Revenge/ Getting Back at Partner

  • Mentions: 20+

  • Includes: Revenge, getting back at partner, partner cheated.

9. Low Self-Esteem/ Worth

  • Mentions: 15+

  • Includes: Low self-esteem, low self-worth, to feel better.

10. Curiosity/ Excitement

  • Mentions: 15+

  • Includes: Curiosity, seeking excitement, thrill-seeking, wanting something new.

Before you read these responses, if you had any thoughts on this topic/ findings, I’d love to hear them. Please comment them below or message me on Instagram!

415+ men and women share why they cheated:

  1. Conquest

  2. I was on drugs

  3. I became inattentive to my partner and didn’t know how to express that

  4. I have blacked out and made out with someone, no idea why?

  5. Revenge

  6. Men cheat because their natural instinct is to spread the seeds.

  7. Felt unwanted/lack of attention in my relationship or they did it first

  8. So moral of the story, not being that into you!

  9. It was in high school, it was my first boyfriend, wasn’t in love. Cheated with the guy I was with for 3 years after

  10. Troubles in the relationship/wasn’t getting enough attention so I sought it outside

  11. I was young in high school and didn’t have serious feelings for the person I was with.

  12. Stuck in a relationship that was impossible to get out of. Boyfriend was a loser and I kept living my life…

  13. Found out my girlfriend cheated on me, begged me not to leave… so then I cheated on her

  14. My girlfriend at the time stopped having sex with me.

  15. Most do it for the thrill, because they can, or because they’re unhappy.

  16. It was a long-distance relationship. He was extremely controlling. I wanted to regain control, I guess.

  17. I didn’t love myself

  18. Lack of attention

  19. Didn’t feel desired by my significant other

  20. Spent 9+ years in a sexless marriage.

  21. Lust

  22. Partner’s lack of interest

  23. The relationship was effectively over, but I was too weak to officially end it

  24. My partner had no interest in sex

  25. For the challenge

  26. Opportunity

  27. Sex

  28. Needed more and my wife was not interested.

  29. Was tired of the current relationship and over 3,000 miles away (deployed)

  30. This new person made me feel more desirable than my partner did.

  31. Spouse and I had a sex life that was in the toilet

  32. Lack of intimacy at home

  33. I lacked the courage to be honest with myself.

  34. It happened when I was away as an Erasmus student last week

  35. Mainly for the sex. Adding a little excitement.

  36. Shared interests, showed interest in me and my feelings. Which was lacking in the current relationship

  37. Mutual opportunity for having sex on the side with no romantic options. It was only sex.

  38. Have been with my girlfriend and never cheated in 20 years, if people do it, it’s because something is missing.

  39. Human nature

  40. My ex said sex was too painful, and we could never really get after it, so I wandered

  41. I wanted to feel something, anything, besides the pain in my relationship

  42. Insecurity. Inferiority complex.

  43. For sex.

  44. Not proud of it, but because my ex was okay with intimacy only one time a month or less, and I wanted more.

  45. Because she was cheating on me

  46. Lack of affection from their partner. People have needs, and seek comfort elsewhere.

  47. Sex

  48. Yes, only because I found out that she cheated on me.

  49. Was too horny and didn’t get it at home, and people cheat because it’s so much temptation, and it’s easy.

  50. Didn’t feel wanted by my partner

  51. Seeking attention lacking in their current relationship.

  52. I was not a priority

  53. Spouse withholding sex and intimacy…

  54. I cheated to get out of a relationship… at the time I thought I was doing good.

  55. Not enough guts to man up and end the relationship

  56. Selfish, ego, young and basically a douchebag

  57. I really don’t know

  58. I have in the past because it was something new, and she was interested. Vs what I had at home

  59. Over controlling ex-wife who cheated first

  60. Betrayal that led to weakness on my part. Crossing a line I never crossed before

  61. I felt unloved and underappreciated, and someone else showed me both

  62. I was not getting attention and got it from someone else

  63. Emotional immaturity

  64. Got the chance to be with the one I really want, been married for 28 years now, never regretted it

  65. It was a way out of my marriage

  66. No sex in a marriage for two years

  67. Mutual attraction

  68. Yes, when I knew or believed that the other party was unfaithful first.

  69. Not meeting physical and/or emotional needs

  70. Yes, neglect

  71. For fun

  72. Because the man or woman stopped trying, and it’s not exciting anymore.

  73. My wife quit giving me attention. She gave the dog more attention and affection.

  74. Girlfriend was moody every day

  75. She pushed me away. Her focus changed. She shouldn’t have been in a relationship

  76. I was bored with my current relationship

  77. Used to. It felt oddly empowering having multiple girls wanting me

  78. Wasn’t getting sex and was being neglected.

  79. Loneliness

  80. For the closeness… the hugs, the caressing, the sex, for feeling loved. I guess it wasn’t enough at home.

  81. I should have broken up first, but didn’t realize it at the time. Crazy in hindsight.

  82. Bad relationship with no intimacy. Physically nor mentally.

  83. Once cheated, broken up first, but didn’t realize it at the time. Crazy in hindsight.

  84. Bad relationship with no intimacy. Physically nor mentally.

  85. Once cheated to assure myself I wanted to break away from my relationship

  86. Lust

  87. Lack of attention

  88. Thrills

  89. Fear of missing out

  90. Carpe Diem

  91. I wasn’t satisfied, you hear it all the time. I wasn’t getting attention, affection, excitement blah blah blah

  92. Not sure to be honest. It just happened

  93. Wrong wife selected

  94. Emotional abandonment by an asexual wife. Later discovered I had a sex and love addiction. Now, recovery.

  95. Hot sex

  96. Not re cheating but your post about how 80% of men imagine sex with a female friend. Do females do this?

  97. Past regrets

  98. No love left and can’t quit marriage due to a special child

  99. Lust and frustration

  100. Was young in high school & I cheated because my crush was interested in me. Dumb & won’t ever again

  101. In a relationship with someone who was emotionally unavailable

  102. Yeah, variety

  103. Thought I was being neglected

  104. We didn’t have sex for months. She was always working and working at home.

  105. Because my wife stopped making love to me like her mother did with her husband.

  106. Lack of sex and low desire from my partner. Basically not feeling wanted

  107. Fell in love

  108. Intimacy

  109. I wanted the person badly

  110. Because she was so hot and I needed it for the little me inside that hot girls find me attractive

  111. The thrill of getting caught, doing the wrong thing. Selfish indeed, but such a rush!

  112. Temptation

  113. It’s human instinct that can’t be controlled.

  114. Got bored and wasn’t scared to get caught

  115. Not satisfied sexually

  116. Not often enough

  117. Low self-esteem and self-worth

  118. Being taken for granted

  119. Emotionally immature, and I was not communicating with my partner

  120. I was not happy with my sex life with her

  121. Lonely, lack of a physical relationship, menopause

  122. Escape from real life

  123. Yes. Lack of at-home sex

  124. Yes, my wife with my childhood love

  125. I didn’t feel connected at all with my wife and felt stronger bonds emotionally with other women

  126. Emotionally cheated several times. Not physically. Because my needs weren’t being met.

  127. Flirting attention I was not getting from my wife

  128. Yes, I was offered my first threesome, and I couldn’t resist. Guilt has set in, though.

  129. Revenge. Not proud of it

  130. Need something to fill the feeling I’m missing in the relationship. Also, feel it’s harder to fix than cheat

  131. Lack of attention from your partner plus the thrill of having a new person

  132. Basically, love isn’t the driving factor in that relationship

  133. Lust

  134. If emotional cheating is this question also. Lack of sex/emotional connection again

  135. Lack of sex with wife… like not in over a year

  136. If emotional cheating is this question also. Lack of sex/emotional connection again

  137. Lack of sex with wife… like not in over a year

  138. The thrill of something different, and I didn’t feel loved and appreciated at home.

  139. Thoughts only, usually because of sex

  140. Wife forgot about regular sex life. I needed someone for sex, to be close, to get intimate

  141. Yes. Mostly I was selfish. I’m ashamed of it, to be honest. It pretty much came down to the idea that I was not getting enough attention from my wife.

  142. Because I met my soul mate one person too late

  143. Wasn’t happy with the current situation

  144. Because she cheated first, and I figured our relationship was over.

  145. For a number of reasons, including years of a growing chasm in my marriage, and meeting someone I felt young with

  146. Lack of intimacy and sex

  147. The need for validation

  148. In a relationship with someone who was emotionally unavailable

  149. Cheated on my wife in the first year of marriage because I got attention from another woman

  150. 100% no self-control

  151. 5 years together with my GF. Last year, sex maybe two or three times, did it, didn’t get caught

  152. Attention

  153. Lack of sex

  154. Anger and hurt

  155. Desire

  156. No love left, and she was physically and emotionally unavailable

  157. Desire

  158. Lust and revenge

  159. Emotional immaturity

  160. Because I thought my boyfriend cheated first, and I was angry

  161. Emotional unavailability in a relationship

  162. Temptation, lack of attention from the partner

  163. I was very young in a relationship that I was not into. The attention I got was so thrilling that I got tempted.

  164. Love

  165. Lust

  166. Opportunity

  167. I was weak, stupid, and selfish

  168. Sexual desire, lack of sex life with a significant other

  169. Lust

  170. Loneliness

  171. I felt neglected by my wife

  172. No longer receiving attention from my partner

  173. Low self-esteem, to make myself feel better

  174. I cheated because I felt lonely, and I wasn’t getting any affection from my wife. The physical and mental contact had gone.

  175. I was immature and emotional

  176. Not sure, still wondering to this day

  177. I was a horny 20-something

  178. My girlfriend stopped having sex with me. She told me her feelings had changed, but she didn’t want to break up.

  179. I wanted out of the relationship but couldn’t muster up the strength to do it on my own.

  180. Low self-worth

  181. For sex and excitement. Not at all proud of it.

  182. Sex

  183. I cheated because I was in an unhappy relationship that I did not want to be in anymore, but I was too much of a coward to end it, so I cheated on him to give myself an excuse to leave.

  184. Mostly selfishness

  185. Lack of attention and connection from my partner

  186. Lack of attention and validation from my partner.

  187. Temptation

  188. I was lonely and wasn’t getting any attention at home.

  189. To get back at my cheating ex

  190. Temptation, revenge, to get out of the relationship

  191. Boredom

  192. I was lonely and wasn’t getting any attention at home.

  193. We were young and in a toxic relationship.

  194. I was young, the relationship wasn’t serious, and I was emotionally immature

  195. Opportunity

  196. My wife rejected my every sexual advance

  197. Selfishness

  198. Lack of attention, validation, and affection

  199. Sex

  200. Lust

  201. Opportunity and desire

  202. Not sure, I guess I was looking for validation

  203. I cheated because I felt lonely, and I wasn’t getting any affection from my wife. The physical and mental contact had gone.

  204. Lack of sex, connection, and communication.

  205. Lack of sex and intimacy

  206. Temptation and opportunity

  207. I was young and stupid

  208. My partner wasn’t giving me the attention I needed, so I sought it elsewhere

  209. To escape from my reality

  210. Lust and temptation

  211. I was weak, stupid, and selfish

  212. Boredom

  213. Lust

  214. Opportunity

  215. My wife rejected my every sexual advance

  216. No longer receiving attention from my partner

  217. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  218. Lack of affection and communication from my partner

  219. Emotional immaturity

  220. Temptation

  221. I was lonely and wasn’t getting any attention at home.

  222. I was young and stupid

  223. Low self-worth

  224. To feel wanted and desired

  225. Opportunity and desire

  226. Lust and temptation

  227. Selfishness

  228. I was in a toxic relationship and didn’t know how to get out.

  229. I cheated to get back at my partner for cheating on me

  230. I wanted out of the relationship but couldn’t muster up the strength to do it on my own.

  231. Boredom and opportunity

  232. I was in an unhappy relationship and looking for an excuse to end it.

  233. To feel wanted and desired

  234. Emotional unavailability in a relationship

  235. Lack of sex and intimacy

  236. To escape from my reality

  237. My partner wasn’t giving me the attention I needed, so I sought it elsewhere.

  238. I was a horny 20-something

  239. I was young and emotionally immature

  240. Opportunity

  241. Lust

  242. To escape from my reality

  243. Lack of attention, validation, and affection

  244. Emotional unavailability in a relationship

  245. I was young, the relationship wasn’t serious, and I was emotionally immature.

  246. Opportunity

  247. My wife rejected my every sexual advance

  248. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  249. Low self-worth

  250. Lust

  251. Temptation and opportunity

  252. My partner wasn’t giving me the attention I needed, so I sought it elsewhere.

  253. I cheated to get back at my partner for cheating on me

  254. Emotional immaturity

  255. Selfishness

  256. Lust

  257. To feel wanted and desired

  258. I was lonely and wasn’t getting any attention at home.

  259. I was in a toxic relationship and didn’t know how to get out.

  260. To escape from my reality

  261. Boredom

  262. Lack of affection and communication from my partner

  263. To feel wanted and desired

  264. Opportunity

  265. I was in an unhappy relationship and looking for an excuse to end it.

  266. Lust and temptation

  267. Emotional unavailability in a relationship

  268. I wanted out of the relationship but couldn’t muster up the strength to do it on my own.

  269. Temptation

  270. Lack of sex and intimacy

  271. Opportunity and desire

  272. I was young and stupid

  273. I cheated to get back at my partner for cheating on me

  274. Boredom and opportunity

  275. I was a horny 20-something

  276. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  277. Selfishness

  278. Low self-worth

  279. To escape from my reality

  280. Lust

  281. I was lonely and wasn’t getting any attention at home.

  282. Lack of sex, connection, and communication

  283. To feel wanted and desired

  284. My partner wasn’t giving me the attention I needed, so I sought it elsewhere.

  285. Emotional immaturity

  286. Opportunity and desire

  287. Lack of attention, validation, and affection

  288. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  289. Lust and temptation

  290. Emotional unavailability in a relationship

  291. I was young and emotionally immature

  292. Boredom

  293. Opportunity

  294. Lack of sex and intimacy

  295. Low self-worth

  296. To feel wanted and desired

  297. Selfishness

  298. Lack of attention and connection from my partner

  299. I was in an unhappy relationship and looking for an excuse to end it.

  300. To escape from my reality

  301. Lack of affection and communication from my partner

  302. I wanted out of the relationship but couldn’t muster up the strength to do it on my own.

  303. Lust

  304. I cheated to get back at my partner for cheating on me

  305. Lack of sex, connection, and communication

  306. To feel wanted and desired

  307. Opportunity and desire

  308. I was lonely and wasn’t getting any attention at home.

  309. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  310. Boredom

  311. I was in a toxic relationship and didn’t know how to get out.

  312. Emotional unavailability in a relationship

  313. Selfishness

  314. Lack of attention and connection from my partner

  315. Lust

  316. Temptation

  317. Emotional immaturity

  318. I was young and stupid

  319. Low self-worth

  320. To escape from my reality

  321. Lack of affection and communication from my partner

  322. I was young, the relationship wasn’t serious, and I was emotionally immature.

  323. Opportunity

  324. Lack of sex and intimacy

  325. Lust and temptation

  326. To feel wanted and desired

  327. I cheated to get back at my partner for cheating on me

  328. Boredom and opportunity

  329. I was in an unhappy relationship and looking for an excuse to end it.

  330. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  331. Selfishness

  332. Emotional unavailability in a relationship

  333. I was lonely and wasn’t getting any attention at home.

  334. Lack of attention, validation, and affection

  335. Lust

  336. I was young and emotionally immature

  337. To escape from my reality

  338. Opportunity and desire

  339. Low self-worth

  340. Lack of sex, connection, and communication

  341. I was a horny 20-something

  342. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  343. Boredom

  344. I wanted out of the relationship but couldn’t muster up the strength to do it on my own.

  345. Lust and temptation

  346. Emotional immaturity

  347. Lack of affection and communication from my partner

  348. I cheated to get back at my partner for cheating on me

  349. Lack of attention and connection from my partner

  350. Selfishness

  351. Opportunity

  352. To feel wanted and desired

  353. Lack of sex, connection, and communication

  354. I was in a toxic relationship and didn’t know how to get out.

  355. Low self-worth

  356. Lack of attention and validation from my partner

  357. Emotional unavailability in a relationship

  358. I was lonely and wasn’t getting any attention at home.

  359. Lust

  360. I was in an unhappy relationship and looking for an excuse to end it.

  361. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  362. Opportunity and desire

  363. Lack of affection and communication from my partner

  364. I was young, the relationship wasn’t serious, and I was emotionally immature.

  365. Boredom

  366. Lack of sex, connection, and communication

  367. Temptation and opportunity

  368. Lack of attention, validation, and affection

  369. Emotional immaturity

  370. I was young and stupid

  371. To escape from my reality

  372. Low self-worth

  373. Lust and temptation

  374. I cheated to get back at my partner for cheating on me

  375. Lack of sex and intimacy

  376. I was a horny 20-something

  377. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  378. Opportunity

  379. Selfishness

  380. Lack of attention and connection from my partner

  381. Emotional unavailability in a relationship

  382. I was in an unhappy relationship and looking for an excuse to end it.

  383. Lack of sex, connection, and communication

  384. To feel wanted and desired

  385. Lack of affection and communication from my partner

  386. Boredom

  387. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  388. Opportunity and desire

  389. Lust

  390. Emotional immaturity

  391. I was lonely and wasn’t getting any attention at home.

  392. Lack of attention, validation, and affection

  393. To escape from my reality

  394. Low self-worth

  395. I was young and emotionally immature

  396. Temptation and opportunity

  397. Lack of sex and intimacy

  398. I cheated to get back at my partner for cheating on me

  399. Lack of attention and connection from my partner

  400. Selfishness

  401. Opportunity

  402. Lack of sex, connection, and communication

  403. Lust and temptation

  404. Emotional unavailability in a relationship

  405. I was lonely and wasn’t getting any attention at home.

  406. Lack of intimacy and connection with my partner

  407. I was in a toxic relationship and didn’t know how to get out.

  408. Lack of affection and communication from my partner

  409. Boredom

  410. Lack of sex and intimacy

  411. Low self-worth

  412. To feel wanted and desired

  413. Emotional immaturity

  414. Opportunity and desire

  415. Lack of attention, validation, and affection

  416. I was in an unhappy relationship and looking for an excuse to end it.

350+ men share what they find attractive in women

350+ men share what they find attractive in women

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