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Signs she wants you to approach her at the gym

Signs she wants you to approach her at the gym

Signs she wants you to approach her at the gym

Do women want to get hit on/ asked out at the gym?

women answer: Signs she wants you to approach her at the gym

Based on 176 women who voted.

I’ll keep it short, but unfortunately not so sweet. The only time we want a guy to approach us at the gym is if we’re attracted to him and only if (at the very least) we have our eyebrows filled in, chewing minty gum and preferably NOT in the middle of any rep or any sort of interaction with this machine:

woman at the gym

Signs she wants you to approach her at the gym

There are a few indicators to look for in order to determine if a woman is into you/ is open to you approaching her at the gym: Eye contact, facial expressions, headphones & proximity.

Eye contact can be tricky thing. Eyes can lock accidentally or intentionally. You are looking for intention. If she’s open to being approached by you, you’ll notice that she’s made eye contact with you more than twice. She might even smirk or smile at you (inviting facial expressions).

Cold-approaching out of no where could throw her off or even scare her. It’s best to put yourself in a position where she’s able to see you as well. This way, you’ll have a better chance at making eye contact, reading her and the room.

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Check out some of the subtle hints women will drop to let you know she’s open to being approached:

Signs she wants you to approach her at the gym

Signs she doesn’t want you to approach her at the gym

Like I mentioned above, it’s very easy to make accidental eye contact. If this is the case, the eye contact will be very brief, fleeting and likely won’t happen more than once.

Another telltale sign that she doesn’t want to be approached is when her headphones are on or both of her earbuds are in. If she isn’t really looking around during a rest period, and looks like she’s in her element, leave her be.

Here are what some women said about NOT wanting to be approached:

Signs she does NOT want to be approached at the gym

So remember, intentional eye contact, inviting facial expressions (smiles) & proximity. Also, before approaching any girl at the gym, I would really consider if that’s something you want to do. Remember the saying “don’t sh*t where you eat”? As in, are you okay with creating a potential shituation at a gym you regularly go to?

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