Do guys want you to slide into their DMs?
Generally speaking, women are approached/ pursued far more than men are. So you can imagine how well-received it is when it does happen to a man. Even if the guy isn’t interested in the person sliding into their DMs, the flattery is surely there.
A woman from our Insta community asked this question:
“If a girl shows interest first, let’s say by a DM, would you like that?”
400+ men voted, check out the data below:
Based on 406 men who voted.
NINETY-NINE FCKING PERCENT OF MEN ARE OPEN TO A WOMAN SLIDING INTO THEIR DMS. As mentioned above, traditionally, men have been the initiators and chasers. I can only imagine how exhausting it may be to continuously approach women and deal with the potential anxiety and rejection that comes from making the first move.
How to slide into a guy’s DMs
Drop your expectations
The higher our expectations are, the stronger our attachment is to the outcome. If you can go into this situation with low expectations such as: at “best”, you make a new connection/ friend, and at “neutral” you two just weren’t a good fit (for whatever reason), the faster you can move forward and invest your time and energy into potential partners who are in alignment with you.
It’s SO easy to romanticize someone based on what they’ve posted and the things you believe you have in common with them. But we need to take a step back when this happens because we are creating a false reality by glamorizing the idea of what we think someone might/ could be.
Bring enthusiasm/ show your personality
Realistically, it likely won’t take much more than a “hi” to get a response from a guy via DM but let us not be basic bxtches here. Show some enthusiasm, originality and even humility/ humor. If they’re public, scroll through their posts and choose one you relate to, compliment them on their style/ taste and take it from there! PSA: Guys love compliments.
Gauge their interest level
My god, please do not triple or even double message them if they don’t respond. That’s so cringey. Ladies, we don’t want people who don’t want us. A perfect way to gauge their interest level is by observing how much they are adding to the overall conversation - are they asking you questions back? Are they adding to the conversation with enthusiasm? If you said no to both of these, humbly slide out of their DMs.
One more time for the people in the back…
Don’t be thirsty
If you slide into a guy’s DMs by leading with your sexuality/ being overly flirtatious and hinting at sexual innuendos, it’s very likely that the guy will think you slide into every guy’s DMs and place you into a certain category based on that. By all means, if you’re sliding into his DMs because you want him to slide into your V, bring out the big guns and do and say whatever. But please keep in mind that screenshots and group chats are just a few taps away 🥲.
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