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How to monetize your blog in 2021

I've always had resistance with calling myself a coach/ mentor. Maybe it was because at some point it seemed as if everyone would cringe at words like “influencers”, “life coach” and “mentors”. Perhaps it was my own projection though…

After I began sharing my deepest thoughts and emotions and having people resonate with my words, I realized there was a need for research and transparency within dating and relationships.

I created a safe and open community where people can explore taboo and underrated topics without judgment and receive the collective’s insight.

I LOVED connecting, writing and sharing insight with my community but I inevitably had to consider how I would monetize my passion and gifts.

The easiest way to monetize your blog/ coaching:

1. Recognize your authority

Imposture syndrome was something that held me back for YEARS. At first, it was that ‘I was too young’ to be sharing dating and relationship advice. Then, it was that I didn’t want to be known as a ‘coach’ because of the false perceptions I had inherited from other people.

If you have a blog, it is very likely that others consider you an authority within your niche. The more I publicly explored and answered dating and relationship questions; more questions from my community naturally followed which positioned me as a trusted source.

Some of these questions entailed a far deeper exploration/ explanation, as in, it would be easier for me to hop on a call and receive more details to give better insight.

It was reassuring to me that people were coming to me as a trusted source and seeking my advice. But I knew I didn’t want to give my time away like that for free, nor did I know how to price my offerings… Until I came across Bookvid.

2. Build your community, the brands will follow.

Brands target communities/ authorities that are in alignment with their offerings and brand values. Build and serve your community, the brands and $ will follow.

Aside from brand deals, affiliate links and digital products, 1-1 coaching is the easiest way to consistently monetize your expertise within your niche.

Someone from my community introduced me to the Bookvid team and they eagerly onboarded me and encouraged me to start setting up 1-1 calls with my audience.

They’re like a Zoom + Calendy + Venmo = Bookvid. The best part about them is that they don’t charge you any fees to use their platform (unlike Zoom and Calendy).

How it works

  • Takes 1 minute to sign up here

  • You set your prices

  • Drive traffic to your availability link

  • People schedule a call with you

  • You instantly receive payment via Venmo after the call is completed

There was no excuse left for me in terms of NOT monetizing my blog and through 1-1 coaching. I’ve made over $1,500 last month and haven’t even fully advertised my 1-1 offers just yet.

The reason why I choose to use this platform over all others is because it’s free for me to use and I don’t ever have to stress over sending calendar invites or chasing someone down for payment.

Save your money and time. Check them out here:

Stephanie Daily