
Hey! I’m Stephanie.

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xX, Stephanie

What Makes A Girl Cute Vs. Hot Vs. Sexy

What Makes A Girl Cute Vs. Hot Vs. Sexy

I asked 40+ men what makes a girl cute vs. hot vs sexy. In short, here is the general belief:

What Makes a Girl Cute?

Personality— An endearing personality with a modest demeanor. "Cute" usually reflects a sense of innocence. Additionally, if they gal has a smaller stature, this naturally makes her “cute” in the eyes of many.

What Makes a Girl Hot?

Physical Appearance— If a girl is “hot" men are typically referring to her physical appearance and the way she looks in and out of clothing.

What Makes a Girl Sexy?

  1. Someone who is well-spoken and carries themselves confidently. “Sexy” in the eyes of many men is someone who has their own life: passions, friends, goals, career etc… but most importantly it’s a gal who is humble about her magnetic essence. She knows her worth and doesn’t give herself to just anyone.

  2. Many of the men also said sexy was an act rather than a trait. Something that your partner reserves for intimacy; such as: ‘ridiculously sexy well-thought out or spontaneous acts she only shares with you as her partner.’


This is what women PREFER to be called:

24% prefer cute

27% prefer hot

27% prefer sexy

22% said it was circumstantial

It totally is circumstantial. Sometimes I want be called cute because I (lol) find myself charming and endearing. Other times I want to be recognized as hot in my leather skirt - so please don't call me cute while I'm in a leather skirt. A puppy is cute. Don't make me feel like a cute puppy in leather. As far as sexy goes... just like the men believe it’s an act rather than a trait, many of the women believe the same. But we can all see that over half of the women voted AGAINST being called cute. So call your hot and sexy partner hot and sexy more often than not ;).

One last thing to note... I actually think these words are milestones. Some women mentioned that it would be distasteful if a stranger called them hot/sexy right off the bat. I think "cute" is a good starting point in the very early stages of dating.

Thank you to all who shared their opinions on this topic!

- Stephanie Daily

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My Self-Care Routine: Space

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