Is it wrong for your partner to like risqué pictures on instagram?
As always, I’m here to ask and answer the questions people are too afraid to ask— you’re welcome.
Remember when Instagram used to show everyone’s activity? We could see who started following who and who was liking people’s pictures. Well… for better (lol) or for worse, instagram removed this feature. Regardless of this removal, it is still quite easy to see other people’s “activity” on Instagram. Hence why this topic was requested and written.
Is liking someone's photo cheating?
I don’t believe this is cheating BUT this act could be considered bad form depending on a few things. I’m specifically talking about partners liking risqué pictures on the ‘gram. Maybe they’re of a model, an ex or an acquaintance.
Because your answer could be based on these circumstances- (Example: your partner liking a risqué picture a famous model VS an ex), maybe you wouldn’t care because the reality of them actually getting noticed by this model with millions of followers is slim to none.
But liking a risqué picture of an ex… is there more to that “like”? Are they still in touch? Why are they still following their ex? Do you see what I mean now?— it is circumstantial and maybe it’s based on the level of potential threat to your relationship. I believe there are 4 reasons why someone would get put off by their partner liking risqué pictures:
They think the person their partner threw a like to is a threat to their relationship
They are comparing themselves to the person in the risqué picture
They have boundaries and one of them is respect for your relationship
They have insecurities stemming from similar past hurts and behaviors
What does it mean when your partner likes someone else’s picture on Instagram?
Throwing a like on a risqué picture of someone is acknowledgment of what you saw and validation that you enjoyed what you saw. Now let’s paint this picture IRL - a famous model, friend, an ex or acquaintance is at a party, club or just out and about. Are you going to go out of your way to let them know they look attractive/ you’re attracted to them— in front of your partner? Probably not, right?
Is it wrong for your partner to like risqué pictures of other people?
Based on 78 women and 90 men who voted, aged 18-38
74% of women believe it is bad form for their partner to be liking risqué pictures on Instagram.
26% of women believe it’s okay for their partner to be liking risqué pictures on Instagram.
37% of men believe it is bad form for their partner to be liking risqué pictures on Instagram.
63% of men believe it’s okay for their partner to be liking risqué pictures on Instagram.
Why the majority of men don’t care if their partner likes other people’s pictures:
K, this is entirely my personal opinion so just keep that in mind. I believe the majority of guys say they “don’t care” because they don’t actually see it happening… Guys don’t usually post extremely provocative pictures like girls sometimes do. And honestly, these guys probably don’t even know how or where to look and see if their partner is liking certain pictures. Call it laziness, trust or ‘ignorance is bliss’, some guys just aren’t interested in adding further stress into their lives by trying to dig up that dirt.
So all in all, the answer to this question is circumstantial — it depends on WHO and which picture your partner liked. Regardless, if this behavior bothers you and you are questioning your partner’s trust, you could kindly bring it up to them and let them know how it made you feel instead of accusing them of a sketchy behavior.
With love,