
Hey! I’m Stephanie.

I hope you find this collective and personal insight helpful. If you love the content, please share it with some friends! Showing your support by sharing my means more than you know💜.

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xX, Stephanie

Sex Tips for Men Pt. 5

Sex Tips for Men Pt. 5

Sex Tips for Men Pt. 5

I’m quite surprised this has turned into a 6 part series. Yes, this is part 5 but with the amount of questions asked and data collected, I decided to make a 6th part. So stay tuned 😉.

As always, men from our instagram community asked, women answered. Let’s dive in:

Do women want you to communicate or ‘let the body talk’?

Sex Tips for Men

Based on 401 women who voted.

For the majority of women, expressing and vocalizing enjoyment of pleasure turns us women on even more. Just like you gents, we get turned on when we hear/see that something we are doing/saying is making our partner feel good.

It’s SO attractive when a guy communicates his pleasure points and asks his partner about theirs. It’s proven that communication between partners increases their sexual satisfaction.

Should you ask your partner before introducing sex toys?

Should you ask your partner before introducing sex toys? answer

Based on 401 women who voted.

Did you know that 75% of women either CANNOT or RARELY achieve an orgasm without some sort of clitoral stimulation? Only 54 out of 215 women (25%) said they are able to orgasm through regular penetration. This is why sex toys are a godsend, fellas.

Based on the data, it looks like this could be circumstantial in terms of how long you have been with your partner/ how comfortable you are with them but the majority of women want you to ask them about introducing any toys.

Is it a turn off if it takes long for a guy to finish?

Is it a turn off if it takes long for a guy to finish?

Based on 402 women who voted.

I don’t think it’s a complete “turn off” if a guy takes too long to finish, perhaps his partner prefers that they finish together or shortly after they do.

In Sex Tips for Men Part 3, someone asked women from our Instagram community: “how long do women want sex to last?”, check out the data based on 286 women:

50% of women prefer that sex lasts 10-15 minutes.
40% of women prefer that sex lasts 20-30 minutes.
7% of women prefer that sex lasts 35-45+ minutes.
3% of women prefer that sex lasts 5 minutes.

This is how long men* typically want sex to last for:

49% of men prefer that sex lasts 20-30 minutes.
35% of men prefer that sex lasts 10-15 minutes.
14% of men prefer that sex lasts 35-45+ minutes.
2% of men prefer that sex lasts 5 minutes.
*Based on 686 men who voted.

Looks like the sweet spot for both men and women is around 10-30 minutes.

Are women into roleplaying?

Are women into roleplaying? Sex Tips for Men

Based on 323 women who voted.

I can imagine how daunting roleplaying could be. I think I would have to be 4 shots of tequila deep to stay in character😂, even then, I still may be giggling the entire time.

Shout out to the 43% of brave/ adventurous ladies who are into roleplaying.

Do women enjoy booty play?

Do women enjoy booty play? Sex Tips for Men

Based on 392 women who voted.

Specifically, “a thumb or pinky in the butt”. Like all other questions above, a guy from our Instagram community asked this question. Let us give thanks because I know we are all wondering the same. Oh and a little pat on the back to yours truly for publicly crowdsourcing these answers😅🤣.

Ok, that’s all I’ve got for you until I release part sex—I mean six**! 😏😄. In the meantime, check out the other parts to this series you might have missed:

Sex Tips for Men Part 1
Sex Tips for Men Part 2
Sex Tips for Men part 3
Sex Tips for Men Part 4

Chat soon.

Sex Tips for Women Pt. 5

Sex Tips for Women Pt. 5

Why nice guys finish last

Why nice guys finish last

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