
Hey! I’m Stephanie.

I hope you find this collective and personal insight helpful. If you love the content, please share it with some friends! Showing your support by sharing my means more than you know💜.

Let’s connect on Insta :), I want to meet my tribe!
xX, Stephanie

Who Should Initiate The First Move?

Who Should Initiate The First Move?

Give me the data.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I receive DMs from people asking me to ask our community specific questions. A few weeks ago I had a girl-friend wanting to know if men find it attractive for women to initiate intimacy. That same day, I had a guy-friend ask me if women find it unattractive if men don’t initiate the first move. The main theme of these questions (in my opinion) was confidence… hence the inspiration behind this article.

Here are the findings:



What does this mean?

These findings tell us that we are attracted to people who are sure of themselves, who know that they want and go after it. Personally, I feel most attracted to people who believe in themselves to the point of not needing to seek validation from others, not even me.

To me, confidence is knowing you are worthy. It’s knowing who you are, what value you hold and not worrying about what anyone else thinks. Not to be mistaken with confidence derived from physical appearance or materialistic objects. I’m talking about the confidence in your worth, belonging, values, lifestyle standards and beliefs.

One last thing to note, there is a very fine line between acting on genuine desire vs throwing yourself at someone. The latter is typically less attractive for the long-term, but if you’re just looking for some capital-F-fun, do you boo boo.

Related Articles:
Date With Low Expectations + High Standards
Men and Women Are Attracted To The Same Thing

With love,

Stephanie Daily

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