
Hey! I’m Stephanie.

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xX, Stephanie

How often do men and women want oral sex?

How often do men and women want oral sex?

How often do men and women want oral sex?

Based on 1,244 men and women who voted.

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How often do men and women want oral sex?

46% of women voted ‘a couple times per week’.
55% of men voted ‘a couple times per week’.

39% of women voted ‘a few times per month’.
23% of men voted ‘a few times per month’.

8% of women voted ‘everyday’.
19% of men voted ‘everyday’.

7% of women voted ‘every couple months’.
3% of men voted ‘every couple months’.

It looks like men and women are on the same page in terms of how often they’d like to be receiving oral. I can’t stress enough the importance of communication and genuine care for your partner’s sexual well-being and pleasure. It’s SO attractive when a guy communicates his pleasure points and asks his partner about theirs. It’s proven that communication between partners increases their sexual satisfaction. Non-verbals are great and all but intimacy is SO much more enjoyable when you ask for guidance and communicate your preferences.

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