
Hey! I’m Stephanie.

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xX, Stephanie

How much does a man have to make to be considered a ‘high earner’ by women?

How much does a man have to make to be considered a ‘high earner’ by women?

How much does a man have to make to be considered a ‘high earner’ by women?

Men asked, 415 women answered.

Please keep in mind this data is heavily influenced by each voters age, location, how they were raised (their parent’s income level) and their sphere of influence.

Example: I live in San Diego, California. The average base salary is around $68K, according to The average salary in Bixby, Oklahoma is around $58K. The cost of living is also substantially different between these two places. Hence why someone from San Diego would likely vote for a higher income level.

Check out the data below:

How much does a man have to make to be considered a ‘high earner’ by women?

Based on 415 women who voted.

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42% of women consider a man who makes over $200K to be a high earner.
35% of women consider a man who makes over $100K to be a high earner.
16% of women consider a man who makes over $300K to be a high earner.
7% of women consider a man who makes over $70K to be a high earner.

84% of women believe a man who makes $200k+ is a high earner.

What do you think about this data? Leave a comment below or DM me on Insta.

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