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170 men share dating advice they would give their daughters

I've always found it necessary and fascinating to hear what the opposite sex thinks about the topics we’re all deeply curious about. Why not go straight to the source for the answers? I understand many of us are too afraid, or slightly embarrassed to discuss these topics, but I’ve always thought that shyness is so silly. Relationships are THE MOST important aspect of our lives… They have the ability to directly impact our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Unhealthy relationships = an unhealthy LIFE. But that’s an entirely different article topic.

Let’s get back on track.

I asked 170+ men to share dating advice they would give to their daughters. I found these answers to be extremely honest, insightful, and some even endearing. Check them out below!

(Zoom in to read and click the arrows to scroll through!)

I’d love to hear your thoughts on these responses. Comment them below!

With love,